DP Surprise!

I'm still in Singapore. Just opened a show. Feeling fabulous.
So, yesterday, very early in the morning I get a call from Keropokman of Singapore DP saying that Eric was in town on transit on his way to a month-long holiday in New Zealand and Australia. He asked if I could come and meet him. Unfortunately, I had 2 shows and had to be in the theatre the whole day. Luckily, Eric wasn't too far away and Keropok got him to come meet me for a couple of minutes.
And Michael was with him. What a great surprise! Wishing you both a great trip, and K'pok, thanks for coming to the show tonight. It's always good to see a familiar face in the seats.
Love always.
Edwin how fabulous you got to meet Eric and Michael. What a great shot! Looks like you had the best fun saying Hello. Lucky them and lucky you. I'd love to meet you all!
Great surprise and a great photo ... Edwin you are in character and the camera has been turn on Eric ... Bravo Keropokman for taking Eric to where Edwin was at ... Three famous CDP bloggers in one photo ... very good.
Great surprise and a great photo ... Edwin you are in character and the camera has been turn on Eric ... Bravo Keropokman for taking Eric to where Edwin was at ... Three famous CDP bloggers in one photo ... very good.
Good luck with your show.
Good to see you guys smiling!
How very cool!
Glad things are going well for you Edwin. Keep us posted :)
Brilliant and Wonderful - Eric will love NZ I am sure.
That is so cool! Love your smiling faces.
Break a leg! Hope the show does well.
I have Denton to thank for pointing us here. Quite a surreal image seeing two dailies together. Have fun all of you.
It was great meeting up briefly!
Sis, Momo and I enjoyed your show very much. It was hilarious!
Those visiting Singapore should pop by for the show! :-)
Stay happy and ggggggg..... LOL...
Hey Edwin, it was great seeing you too, even for just a few minutes. I'm really cross I could not see your show. Like I said; you have to come and perform in Paris!
Hey, gorgeous Edwin, hi! Many of us are lookign forward to Eric's "progress" through the Antipodes! Great to see you around too.
Dear Edwin,
How wonderful to hear from you through Eric's visit! I'm glad you're well. Lots of love
It looks like you had the most fun, all those smiling faces.
Good luck with all your projects and thanks to Denton who pointed the way..
It's nice to see you guys altogether. Eric you had a great opportunity meeting Michael and Edwin. Next time will be Sally in Sidney? :-)
Great to see, it's an amazing worldwide phenomenon
A wonderful surprise, and so very good to see your smiling face again, Edwin. Thanks for sharing this photo with us!! Break a leg!!
After meeting Eric and Michael in Paris last September, I can confirm what a joy it must have been for you to meet them in your city.
When me meet we realize we are all members of the same CDPB family and the occasion is tremendously fulfilling.
So it was for me in Paris and in the whole of France.
Naturally Sally will feel the same when they meet in Sydney, I am sure, and similarly here in Adelaide, South Australia.
Bonnes vacances mes amis et à bientôt !!
Wow, three of my favorite guys on the planet, all in one photo (and Keropokman behind the lens!). I'm so glad you all got to at least be face to face, even if not for a long enough time. Great to have this smiling image of you in costume, E. You look fit and well and in your element. I do wish the guys could have stayed for the play. Hopefully you'll be in a company that tours widely and you will get to Paris and North America, too!
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Why don't you write here anymore?
I'll be glad to read your posts here
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I wish you health and happiness every day!
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Je vous souhaite santé et bonheur chaque jour!
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Ich wünsche Ihnen Glück und Gesundheit jeden Tag!
I wish you health and happiness every day!
Je vous souhaite santé et bonheur chaque jour!
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Information and knowledge exchange to share their life and hopes that these high quality web site allows you to enjoy!!!
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Miss you and just wondering how you are. Poke your head in to say hi when you get a chance, and happy new year. So, I will probably see you on Face Book. . .
Ok a year later an no updates. Shame! I don't read Chinese very well (just the numbers on the menu), but I'm guessing you've gathered a bit of spam here.
So after a weekend in KL, I have so many questions and interests in the city. Unfortunately, KLDP seems to have been dormant for a while. Don't let me down Edwin, I know you have that creative streak to share!
heeeeeello edwin, i miss you!
Hi Edwin! Short and sweet stuff.
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