July 22, 2006

the end of peace

This is the last picture of my revisit of the memorial. I did one of my 'specials': lying on my front and dipping my head as far as I could to get a 'in the water' perspective. Many of us around the world have been experiencing hot days and this is for you. Hopefully you'll feel cooler when you look at it.

Have a great weekend everyone. Love always.

I do apologize for not posting anything new. I'm sure you've enjoyed this series as much as I have. Rehearsals has taken all my time and I haven't any opportunities to go walkabouts. Some of you have also asked what I'm rehearsing for. Have a look here. I'm in 'The Second Link'.


Blogger Kris said...

very coooling! like the movement (water) you captured!

becareful with the cam. doing that *phew!* ..

2:24 PM  
Blogger Oleanderman said...

Beautiful shots Edwin - new or old! The production looks fascinating- good luck with it!

3:27 PM  
Blogger alice said...

Thanks for refreshing and a lot of success for your play!( I remember you with a friend from Singapour on an other photo, so i see which one you are).

5:15 PM  
Blogger Icarus said...

Just popped in between ships to check stuff out. Well worth it. Edwin, I think I like this one best of the 'dome series', except I'd have preferred it without tilt!
No matter, a great composition. As for our mutual fascination for statues, agree. Lis is so rich in statuary, which was a serendipity for me (love that word!). And thanks for your warning on the 'anonymous' potential threat.

5:59 PM  
Blogger G Fraser said...

good luck with the show...looking forwrad to seeing it one day at the Edinburgh Festival! The water looks very inviting and very blue! does anyone ever jump in on a hot day??

6:11 PM  
Blogger Kala said...

Your comment was hilarious - and this photo has a beautiful and unique tone of blue to it =)

6:15 PM  
Blogger Jazzy said...

The water is really great to cool down, just by looking at it makes me feel I want to jump in.
Good luck with the play or rather break a leg, as more appropriate, I see you are the gorgeous one =)

Have a great weekend!

7:17 PM  
Blogger Passante said...

Great image to end the series on.

8:28 PM  
Blogger edwin s said...

I wonder too if anyone jumps in when the guards aren't looking???

Kris, I practically dead-noosed the camera strap around my neck! Cekik is the word! ;)

Kala, that hut and your description was my inspiration! LOL!

Thanks for popping by guys. I had a wonderful rehearsal today. Lots of new things learnt. Tomorrow is our last day with the director before he leaves for S'pore. We leave on the 9th.

Grant, I'll tell him about Edinburgh. He's performed there once and directed something another time (I think!)

9:22 PM  
Blogger Juggerpix said...

Nice shot Edwin. I myself like the tilt, I like what it does for the line of the roof. Glad your camera didnt get wet!

10:26 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I love your 'water views'
What a beautiful shot!

10:33 PM  
Blogger J. Andrew Lockhart said...

It looks beautiful!

5:15 AM  
Blogger edwin s said...

Thanks guys ;)

Luggi: Hope the play was good.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

9:17 PM  

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