night stalk

I was readying for sleep last night and thinking where to go for my camera excursion when I realised I had nothing to post for today! I jumped out of bed, very calmly of course, and went commando in my garden. It had just drizzled and the air was cool. After 20 minutes, I came up with nothing. Then, when I was ready to go back in to the waiting comfort of my bed, I saw these. Being dark, I had to use the flash. Not knowing what the result would look like, I left it till this morning. I really like it. My mother said it's part pf the Frangipani/Plumeria family. I searched the web and I still don't know if she's right. Anyone?
The result of you night stalk'ing' is very handsome. You have such a colourful garden which I found amazing. At the moment I'm trying to grow chillies on my windowsill and they are growing nicely but no flowers so no chillies in foreseeable future.
It would be fabulous if we could see your whole garden because flowers you have there are just great.
Hope you are satisfied with the outcome of your play, when is the premiere?
Into the battle fatigues for some night reconnaissance, armed with nothing but a few megapixels and flash grenade.....endearing image, ED!
Beautiful capture from the night raid. And i thought exactly the same as Jazzy - let's see some of the whole garden.
I don't know the name of this beautiful flower but, anyway, Edwin, you must know : mothers are always right!
Today, Bogger is getting on my nerves, no way to post a photo...Grrr!
how about 'pink frangipani"?
BTW, GruvAvenue will be playing in Sunrise J&R Fest on 29th July, this saturday.
Free to drop by? We starts at 9PM, then Amir & Steve from 11 PM.
Nothing like a garden romp in the wee hours! This looks very exotic! As I am sure you did as well Edwin!
;) hehe
I hope you have a good fence and non nosy neighbors, or someone might have gotten a show (and not the type your in now)!
Very nice shot! The flash really makes the colors pop.
Thank for visiting my blog too.
I love the nature of Asia
Beautiful shades of pink with the dew drops adding a great deal of interest. Nice!
cheeky, aren't you? ;)
fully dressed.
thank you for braving Blogger's crappy service and leaving your comments guys.
No Edwin!
YOU were "cheeky" out there taking that shot!
Must have a strong fragrance, I imagine...
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
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