DP Theme Day: "No..." Signs

Yes. Yes. Yes. Its theme day in DP Land and we have to go for the obvious or be super-creative. I went for the obvious but KL being KL, I was guaranteed to find something with incorrect spelling. So, today in KL, in a narrow alley, No PARKIN is allowed.
Can't wait to begin my tour of the other obvious or creative DP cities. I'm sure to be entertained. Come with me. Click here to view thumbnails for all 172 participants.
Have a great day!
I love the colors and composition in this shot, Edwin (did you tint the green area on the right?). And those impressive signs were made with masking tape and spray paint. . .how very clever and graphically effective. So hopefully you were on foot when you took this, and not parked in your car ;^). happy theme day to you!
Seattle Daily Photo
That's a great pic! Looks very 'cartoonesque' in a way.
And yes, this is the essence of KL :)
Reminds me of my home country, so many incorrect spelling signs :)
Good capture Ed!
Hi Edwin,
The bees are back in Brookville, Ohio. I hope for the rest of the year at least. I even got one on my Better Blog Writing post today. LOL
I see you found an adorable No sign for our July Theme Day.
Isn't it almost funny to think of adult people scurrying around their communities taking pictures of signs. And if somebody had asked what that is all about and you said a sign with "no" on it, they might... well. It is kind of funny.
—Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Great home made sign that gets the point across.
Well you know, the "g" is almost silent!
Great sin. I mean, sign. For some reason, the gees keep disappearin. :-)
Happy Theme Day!
I think, it's because no space to put "G" on that sign. Happy theme day!
The colours are so vivid. I like your comments about the spelling.
Makes it sound almost like the wild, wild west! This is a great photo for theme day.
Good find. Nothing better than a badly spelt sign!
Everything about this pic is fabulous...even the word wrongly spelled.
Just love the uniqueness of this photo!
Who needs the "g" anyways?? No one ever pronounces it; at least not in Boston. Great catch and great fun reading all the clever comments.
hey kim, the green area was that green, well, i made it a little more vibrant :)
thanks for popping by everyone.
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