classic couture

Here's a store that sells ready-made baju kebaya, a body-fitting outfit. The blouse is coupled with a batik sarong. In the days of yore, women had these tailormade to fit their body shape. The most soughtafter kebayas are the ones made by the Peranakan people. The delicate lace and intricate embroidery second to none. But for most women looking for a quick fix, these ones in the picture will do.
Awesome colour, well done Edwin.
Very very nice! Welcome back into Blogoworld. Lovely to have you back. Hope work in S'pore is up to expectactions. So, what are you wearing for our wedding in Avignon???
lovely colors!
Hey these look very outstanding. I wonder those from the peranakan people look like. They really speak of Malaysian culture women clothing.
The fact that they are tailormade to fit the owners body shape make me imagine that every woman would look good in one of these. Yu have to forgive me cos am just a tourist in malaysia and have been discovering so many things for the past 5 years I have been in Kuala Lumpur and whenevr i find something interestng I recommend it on my hobby site.
I hope you will add more photos of Malaysian clothing to give a variety to our readers about what this great country has to offer.
If you don't mind I will be keeping an eye on this blog to see the new things you have in store for us.
Nice photo.
Clement in Kuala Lumpur
hi, would you mind to tell where the stall located? i'm looking for ready made baju...
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