I wonder...

It's Saturday and Condoleeza Rice leaves today after attending the Asean Regional Forum. I wonder what she thought of our little city.
Anyway, the sun and the rain have been playing tag with each other. The weather changes every 5-10 minutes. So, when the sun comes out, my camera clicks in full force. And it's only recently I realised how my circular polarizer worked. Idiot! Here we have the Westin hotel and JW Marriott on it's right. The sun, of course, pays no attention to my amateur skills and completely shadows the buildings. But there is something ominous about this shot. Like War of the Worlds. I half expected an alien craft to appear.
Nowhere seems to be the operative word today. Für Dich.
So much cloud! i miss the sun :(
OK my dear, that is REALLY creepy!
How can there be blue sky all around the clouds and then that hole up there with nothing but white inside...like a reverse donut!
Cool but definitely creepy--where's that little Gollam guy?!
And what's this about "Can't-Leave-Any-Rice" woman visiting?
Sigh~~~~~~~~~~lah...Nevermind...offto beddie-bye!
Selamat tidur All & Goodnite--or Selamat Pagi, Good Morning!
this is such a great photo with that hole in the clouds and the impressive buildings - another wonderful look up shot!
i have a polariser but I seldom use it...too much trouble changing the rings ......nice capture with the big hole, is it the ozone hole over KL?
Looking at this picture I almost feel as if I can "fall" into the sky. This is very nice.
Edwin, I am feeling FLEETWOOD again.....mystic!
Nice one Edwin, you remembered what I wrote you last week about the polarizer. Right place right time. This one certainly did the job!
And I'm appreciating your input more & more. Do NOT go awol, right!! One mroe firestorm like yesterday and....Anyways, it's kittens & flowers only for me from now on! (oh SURE!!)Seriously, it was highly constructive, new relationships were formed, which is a big plus that I'm all for via the blogs & a lot of learning happened. Stewart's still shell-shocked.....
that's wonderful texture you've captured, Edwin. Hmm..i read somewhere, in such condition, flash would help to reduce the shadows. Give it a try it!
ps. cant wait for tomorrow's surprise!
We get holes in the clouds all the time here in NM. My daughter used to think they clouds opened up to let the rain out! Nice shot!
Wooah! (Which here means, gosh, that's really impressive!)
The perspective makes the building look looming! For me it overwhelmed the "hole in the sky."
thanks for the comments guys ;)
Blogger's acting funny again and this is the 5th time I've tried to reply to your comments. Arrrggghhhh!!!
A M A Z I N G ...shot!
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