August 7, 2006

it's only natural

Hello everyone! It's Monday and another thrilling week begins. Who knows what will happen globally and personally? I know I'll be going to Singapore for the festival in a couple of days. How about you? For those of you who have the joy of the seasons, Summer is ending and the leaves will soon turn russet and gold. For me, it's a most remarkable time watching nature age yet again. To contemplate and wonder the strength of Gaia that we have the nerve to mess up. She will one day spread her roots to rejuvenate when we are dead and gone. And the seasons keep changing. Those of us in the tropics sit in air-conditioned rooms oblivious to it all. The image in my head is straight out of a Manga/Anime movie.

This is a picture taken in my garden (again) and it's from the Jambu Air tree. Don't ask what it is in English. I've asked everyone I know. Nobody knows. This is the flower that eventually turns into a fruit. No such luck in my garden. The birds and the bees get to them before they have that chance. But knowing the creatures, they go off and pollinate elsewhere. Which means there's more growing somewhere. You see, Gaia. Don't mess with the b***h!


Blogger Shelly said...

Edwin, this is beautiful! I have never had luck getting bees in a I fear getting stung! One of these days you will have to show us your garden in its entirety!

10:39 AM  
Blogger J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Wow! That photo is beautiful! :)

11:34 AM  
Blogger alice said...

Like Shelly asked, please, show us your garden entirely. Et bravo for this shot!

4:37 PM  
Blogger Meg said...

Wow. Love your musings as mucn as the photo. Like Alice said; show us the whole garden.

5:19 PM  
Blogger midnitebara said...

wow!! great shot ! subarashii..( wonderful) incidentally Im posting an insect shot too, today.

have a happy week !

5:24 PM  
Blogger Nuno said...

Very very very beautiful and well done edwin. So you have a restaurant for bees with towers:), this is something i want too but first i have to change to another house and leave this flat and a lot of €€$$

5:43 PM  
Blogger Jazzy said...

Another great corner of your garden =)

8:15 PM  
Blogger selana18 said...

Your garden is a source of creation
!Beautiful photo!It is my last day on the office and yupp yupp I feel nice nice nice , my holidaYs are going to begin ...
What is the festival in Singapore about?

8:26 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

That is a truly wonderful photo and I appreciate your commentary as well!

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great catch Edwin! That bee though looks nasty!

9:44 PM  
Blogger Rarebeet said...

great photo Edwin! What are those nasty-looking bugs in the background? Creepy!

10:15 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Is the flower "silky?" I want to reach out and touch them. Being careful of the bees, of course.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Icarus said...

My dear friend, a glorious photo. One of those pictures to contemplate for an age, long after these blooms and bees have served their life purpose and gone on to flora & fauna heaven [aside, this is newly discovered fun..I'm typing along in time with Queen filling my ears. Try it, it's just fab!!]It's a praise of life,Ed.
Last Friday, on my down to pick up the wheel-chair, I found time to stop by the nearest natural miracle, a carpetted gate of morning glory & dig out the digi. Suddenly, even too fast for me, a huge, black, shiny flying thing, 5 cms long, zoomed in over my head & straight into the hole in the centre of a fully-open pink & purple bloom and .....vanished like lightning inside! It's A Kind of Magic, Flash!

2:45 AM  
Blogger Icarus said...

PS - S**T, that was "way down to pick up..."!

2:46 AM  
Blogger Juggerpix said...

Nice shot, the bees were at least nice enough to pose for you!

If you can't get the fruit, make a hive and collect the honey!

5:51 AM  
Blogger Rafleesia said...

Pls just go and win some award and stop torturing us with such beauty.

9:15 AM  
Blogger lishun said...

jambu air = water apple (no kidding!). however, the fruit from the genus it comes from are known as rose apples.

12:27 PM  
Blogger edwin s said...

Yes Tanty, rojak! Yummy! It's my favourite thing in it especially with the sauce.

You know guys, I wanted to touch them but I was afraid of these wasps. Yes, wasps not bees.

I guess no honey manufacturing Jugs ;)

I know you want to see the whole garden. However, it's big but not as beautiful as you imagine. Quite sparse but there these little corners that my shots are derived from.

Thanks for buzzing in everyone :)

1:35 PM  
Blogger Erwin said...

Nice shot!!

3:53 AM  

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