perfect vision

Last night, while I was asleep, the rain fell. I mean it collapsed. I wake up this morning to cool, clean, clear air. No sun though, the sky is white. For the first time in weeks, I can see the Twin Towers clearly from my garden. Thanks to the rain, the haze that has been cloaking the city has disappeared.
Here is a picture of a man. Like any other man, like you and me. So, what's the big deal? He gladly posed for this picture and I have 6 to choose from. A man who works in an alley in a tiny back-alley stall. Doesn't look like he has any trivial worries and opinions, does he? He was curious as to how my camera worked. He smiled. That's all I really care about.
Today is Remembrance Day in Malaysia. Today we remember the people who have lost their lives for the country. As the human race, we're very good at remembering dead people. How about the living? We can be very unforgiving to each other sometimes. Anything can spark a war. The racial slurring, the missiles and grenades explode and leaders attack. Only when it's all over, with thousands dead, we decide to remember. Like a bicycle wheel, it keeps turning and it'll all happen again. Someone will lose a life. The world is getting smaller and claustrophobia does funny things to your head.
My hope for future generations is simple. Tolerance and a smile for the odd stranger. Like this man in my picture. He smiled. That's all we should care about. Have a great week ahead everyone.
put words in to action :-) :-) :-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
ok, i feel better.. now i need to compose my post :-)
I strongly agree with your lines
"My hope for future generations is simple. Tolerance and a smile for the odd stranger."
I hope I live long enough to see this.
Nice person photo and very personable and touching =)
Bloody fantastic post, edwin.
I amn't very good to write in English but I'm able to thank you, Edwin.
Hi Ed, :-)
We're with you Edwin :-)
Add respect and appreciation to tolerance, Edwin. What more can we say? I wish that those who are hungry for power would listen to our voices and notice the smiles, such as the one on your subject.
It looks like you've embraced the most magnificent attitude both in your photo and your outlook on life. Great post!
Edwin, this is one of the best post I read in a long time. I too feel for the innocent who are dying now. You made my day ;-)
Have a nice week edwin with a real smile like the smile of the man.
Thanks for your thoughts
This is a beautiful posting. The picture is great and goes well with the posting. Happy Remembrance Day. Warm regards from Buenos Aires.
great post! You have a way with words, Edwin. You say what most people would like to express with eloquence!!
I like your july 29th photo!
" independence day movie " like photo. we both have wild imagination, huh.
have a nice day!
Thanks for popping over guys :)
Anne, we all will live long enough. I'm sure of that.
And like kris said, :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Fantastic blog Edwin! I love it. I'm smiling at ya, all the way in DC.
" He smiled. That's all we should care about."
=) have a fantastic week full of smiles! =)
Glasgow, Scotland DP
Wonderful... simply wonderful!
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